Platform Connections

The Platform Connections that group to more than 3,000 independent industralists and in our country, finishes celebrating Another form to make company is possible, first of its Breakfasts it debates of 2010 and that in this occasion the title has taken of Emprender: one is born and becomes. The event reunited to a group of independent industralists and with representatives of organizations specialized in support to enterprise projects as Madrid Undertakes (City council of Madrid), Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, Professional Union of Independent Workers, Google Spain, and Salvia Communication among others. A debate in which visions, actions, expositions and doubts participated to all the assistants, exposing on a subject as it is To undertake and to create company and that as it indicated to Julia Garci’a Glass, President of the Platform Connections must on another’s account stop being traditionally subsidiary the professional exposition of the work and it besides the present situation that in any case is generating of potentiality of new projects. Barbarian appreciation with Navarrese which, director of Google and Julia Garci’a Glass agreed totally, and that first from the knowledge of experiences and models in other countries I explain the assistants. Changes in educative system and emprendimiento like thematic line and cross-sectional subject. The keys of the encounter debate The arguments that the participants stressed to make possible that in Spain there is more enterprising culture happen to apply changes in the educative system that generates people more enterprising, conception of the emprendimiento like professional experience independent of the result, necessity to generate institutionally ambient propitious to the beginning of projects, to sensitize of continuous way to youngest, real coordination between Administrations, reduction of ties once started in march the business. These were some of the opinions. necessary Consideramos the real approach and the debate enterprising companies with Institutions for this way being generating commitments, action and synergies that change expired models that we considered, explains Garci’a Glass. Further details can be found at Energy Capital Partners, an internet resource.

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