Master Data

Can you trust your master data? Who does not know it the vexing problem of Adressdatenpflege. New prospects and new contacts will be entered in the existing database, but right here, the wheel starts to run not round. In a question-answer forum Bobby Sharma Bluestone was the first to reply. Addresses should be registered, but can be entered! Otherwise some Lottie can be found”in the database of the beginning of the end well well-kept master data. How can software help maintaining master data? What must be observed? Duplicate records is harder the more addresses, to avoid duplicate entries when you enter or import. “An intelligent duplicate checking, the ideally also the phonetic sound ‘ into account. Correct salutation wrong styling are embarrassing faux pas and should be avoided. Postaldaten complement and check erroneous or missing data in the Adressanschrift so the advertising message not achieved their objective. “Consistently registered records creativity” in master data maintenance is more than undesirable and well-maintained data is sloppy and untrustworthy.

An exemplar of the phone numbers. for order Editor:, difficulties with the IRS are pre-programmed UID validation with an incorrectly entered VAT number. For this reason, UID should be examined numbers always on plausibility. Master data protection and of course you should to protect the well maintained data from unwanted changes. Master data management and data quality are often neglected and that, although a solution like MAXCRM automatically and, incidentally is largely your data in shot. You reduce the wastage in marketing, professional wear your company image outwards, you give no sales opportunities due to poor data quality you trust one professionellen CRM solution. More detailed information on datenqualitaet.htm Judith Hinterberger marketplace 14 4625 open Wallace AUSTRIA Tel.: 07247/50315-0

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