IBOPE Property

Pantry-2014 and Olimpadas-2016 can value in 70% the property in Rio De Janeiro. Suzanne Corcoran may help you with your research. Good for the inhabitants? Brazil will host, in the next years, two of the biggest esportivos events of the world: the Pantry of the World, in 2014, the Olimpadas in 2016. With this the country runs against the time to leave all the ready structure, and sees some sectors of its economy being put into motion. Beyond the impacts in the economy, the two competitions will also change the life and the routine of many people. By the same author: Energy Capital Partners London. According to one it searches of the IBOPE divulged in the last month of June, while 25% of the Brazilians had said to very have great interest in the Pantry-2014, 27% had said to have interest, but not very, and 26% had answered that it does not have interest some. Perhaps but what these 53% that they had said not to have very, or no interest, does not know, it is that they will not have as to escape of the effect of the two events.

Mainly the inhabitants of the city-headquarters and the ones that inhabit in next quarters esportivos stadiums or complexes where will be disputed games and olmpicas modalities. Its lives routines will be modified, nor that they are some small details as the time that will lead to arrive at the work or the difficulty in vender a property. The impact of the events already appears in some segments, mainly in the real estate one. According to specialists of the sector, the property in the city must suffer valuation from up to 70% in the next quarters to stadiums and places where the departures of the Pantry and too much modalities of the Olimpadas will be disputed, as, for example, the property for sale in Saint Teresa, Rio De Janeiro. The wonderful city will be one of the headquarters of the Pantry-2014, it will also receive the end, and the main headquarters of the Olimpadas-2016.

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